The Life of a High School Student

Saturday, March 17, 2007

I think that there should be a limit to how much teacher's expect you to spend on projects for school. I recently built a trebuchet for Physics that had to throw a shot put about 100 yards. The whole project probably cost me and my group around $150. People might say, "Well, it is to show that you understand the concepts." But we could've been assigned to build a smaller one that could've cost less than half as much. We would've still be able to show that we understood the concepts. I think that $150 for a single project is really excessive. Maybe if the teachers would just be more realistic. Parents already pay fees for high school at the start of the year that can end up being over $200. That's excluding fees for taking AP and the ACT tests, tours, club fees, etc. But then we're still required to build a project that ends up costing us over $150. I truly believe that the school district should set a limit and the teachers should assign projects that realistically fit within that limit.


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