The Life of a High School Student

Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Best Buy ad found in a magazine has a model as the focal point. Obviously they're trying to take advantage that men are visually enhanced, to put it kindly. There's only a couple small pics of the products and the logo in the corner. In this day and age, most advertisments, including this one, use sex to sell products. Blue is a very dominant color in this ad. Blue is known as a calming color and is more masculine. The inside of Best Buy is also dominated by blue hues. Advertisers are using this fact to make poeple think of Best Buy whenever they see blue. It is quite obvious that this ad is using things related to men to sell their products.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I work at Pretzelmaker in the University Mall, and I notice a lot of things about people while working there. One thing is that when we tell people that they will have to wait a few minutes for their product, most Caucasians say that they won't wait, whereas any other ethnicity usually does. So it got me wondering why white people will never wait. Some people who come are mall employees. We do have a different culture than other ethnicities. I don't think we discipline our children as much as other countries. We have a different mindset than other countries. The people in Utah even have a different mindset than other states.
I concluded that there are many reasons why Americans, mainly Caucasians, are more impatient than any other ethnicity that comes to Pretzelmaker. If we tell them that it'll be a 5 minute wait for whatever they are desiring, then they become angry and storm off. I think it's partly because of our culture and how we are raised. It could be, in the case of the mall employees, that they need to get back to work or their break is almost over. I think it also has to do with our expectations and our mindset. We expect to be able to get the product right then. It's what we are used to. We have supermarkets so that we don't have to go to more than one store for food and groceries. We are a very lackadaisical society.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I was walking through Provo Town Center Mall yesterday, just looking at the different stores. One of them caught my eye. It was Hollister, the store that everyone is always talking about. It had a very interesting design, which led me to wonder, "Why would someone design a store like that?" It was dimly lit. It had spotlights, but everywhere else was almost pitch black. It had music playing, and a cool feature with which you could select the music you wanted to listen to from their list. It had guys' clothing on one side and girls' on the other, like any other store, except for one thing. It had a wall running in between them which only had a couple openings where you could go to the other side. I think I only saw one staff member in the whole store. They had the clearance items in the very back. I almost didn't find them, because they were tucked away. I felt disoriented in the store, almost confused because of the lack of lighting. I also felt that senses just left, like someone gave me too much laughing gas and so I didn't react to things. There was a surfer theme at the front. It was a very interesting design.
I concluded that the store was designed to appeal to teens. Tons of people at school talk about this store. The store does play music that most teens listen to. It had a surfer theme, which most teens like. The store was very dimly lit and had a very interesting ambience, which I think teens love, but their parents hate, just listening to what my mom had to say about the store. I think the lighting was also a phsycological thing. I think it was used to deaden people's senses and minds and make them feel disoriented. This could cause them to throw all logic out the window and go on a shopping spree. Who knows, if I would've actually had any money to buy something (I'm saving money up for Homecoming), I might've done the same thing. All in all, it was a very interesting experiece and something that everyone should try at the very least once.