The Life of a High School Student

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I was working one day, looking for something to do, when I started noticing something. Girls always tried to pay in exact change, whereas guys just paid in dollar amounts. Guys usually paid with a $20, even though their purchase was only $3. Questions started running through my head about why girls would pay in exact change and guys wouldn't. I came to this conclusion, which I will give proof for in a second. Girls are more detail-oriented about everything than guys are. Girls always have to stop when they see a mirror to see if their hair is still done right or if their makeup has smudged off yet. Most of the careers that require detail-oriented people are filled with females. Guys are only detail-oriented about things they are interested in, like computers, mechanics, or sports. This is the reason that girls pay in exact change, if they have exact change, and guys don't.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Looking at new releases today might draw up the question, "Why does sex seem to sneak into every movie?" Most new movies are rated PG-13 or R. Usually the movie rating board will give movies these ratings for containing extreme violence, sex, or a mix of both. Most actors/actresses wear atire that is revealing, thus arousing emotions and calling back immoral thoughts. Even some children's movies have crude things hidden deep within their scenes. This introduces children to things like sex in a more subtle way. It also may desensitize them and make them less alert to what is good and what's not. Movie directors put sex into movies because they know that it is what most people come to see. It is sickening.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

There is much to learn about a person just by observing them. I observed a woman working at a bakery in University Mall and learned much about her. I wondered three things: why she would sometimes look at her cell phone and then write something down, why was she not smiling, and why she always looked around when she didn't have a customer.
I asked myself, What's up with the cell phone and her always writing down something? I started looking closer, and realized that she was probably a college student, because of her age. I concluded that she could be doing homework, since a cell phone does have other functions than just to call people. It could also be that she was also asking someone through a text message some questions on her homework or about something else, and then writing the answer down. She also could have been playing a game on her phone, and then writing down something for the game. Another possibility is that she was writing down people's phone numbers, because the phone could've been someone else's or she wanted another copy of her address book.
I was wondering why she wasn't smiling. I realized that it was probably because she was bored, since she always did it when she didn't have customers. She didn't have anything to do, since she didn't have anyone to help. A bakery is a very low maintenance place if you aren't baking anything at the moment. There really isn't anything to clean. I also realized that since she was college-age, it could be her attitude about work that made her not smile. She also could also not be having a good day.
I pondered on the fact that she would always look around when she wasn't helping someone. She could've been trying to find something entertaining or amusing to look at. She could have also been looking to see if there were any cute guys in the food court, since it seems that girls tend to do that. She could've been daydreaming about her boyfriend, or maybe wishing she even had a boyfriend. She could've been fantasizing of maybe her wildest dreams, whatever they may be.
She was doing some homework. College students are really busy, and she did seem to have a lot of free time. She wasn't smiling because she was bored. She didn't have anything to do at times. She was looking around to find something entertaining to watch because she was bored. She is a typical college student at work.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

"We, the People of the United States, in Order to for a more perfect union....." These were the words that wrought the birth of a new nation. But these words actually weren't penned until 1787, four years after the Treaty of Paris to end the Revolutionary War was signed. The words written mostly by John Dickinson, known as the Articles of Confederation, existed before the Constitution. Were they successful in solving the problems that a new nation faces? They were successful in establishing peace and land ordinances, but they did not establish a central government.
The Articles of Confederation found amazing solutions to the problems a new nation faced of obtaining peace and setting up land ordinances. They sent diplomats to Paris to make a treaty with England. They got almost everything they wanted from this treaty. They got their freedom, liberty, and lots of land. This is something that most nations wouldn't have been able to accomplish during the first few years of their existence. The Articles of Confederation also established a system to manage the land they had just won. They passed the Land Ordinance of 1785, which divided the land into townships of 6 square miles, and into lots of 1 square mile. They also passed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which established guidelines of when areas could become territories and later, states. This was a revolutionary idea that the world have never seen before. It threw out the confusion of property lines and when an area could become a state.
However, the Articles of Confederation did not establish a centralized government of power. It did establish a unicameral legislature, known as Congress. But Congress weren't given the power to regulate trade, issuing of paper money, wages or prices, and power to tax. Because of this, Congress couldn't pay off the national debt, curb inflation, and many other things. Riots broke out at the harbors and money depreciated daily. The Confederation was crippled; they couldn't do anything effectively. The Articles of Confederation did not solve these problems effectively.
The Articles of Confederation were successful in some areas and disasterous in others. They were able to obtain what they wanted out of the war. They revolutionized the system of setting up land ordinances. But they failed to give power to Congress to govern foreign affairs, which was the downfall of the Confederation.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I went to the Homecoming dance last weekend and noticed a couple things. You get oppurtunities to get to know people better. If you end up taking your girlfriend, you get to spend almost a whole day with her. Dances are fun and a great way to celebrate events. You also get to see people you haven't seen for awhile at Homecoming. So you might ask, "Why would someone spend so much money on a 3 hour date, dinner, and a 2 1/2 hour dance?" An obvious reason is to socialize. Also, what better way to celebrate Homecoming than at a dance?